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Writer: Audrey SieAudrey Sie

Monday 16 March 2020

Mandatory working from home is such a relief after a 6-day work week. The timing couldn’t have been better. I do notice that I’m on the phone all day, and don’t move around as much as I normally would.

Under normal circumstances and without noticing, we move around a lot during the day. From our front door to the car or train station, from our desk to the coffee machine, from our desk to the cafeteria, from meeting room to meeting room. That’s all eliminated now.

Now we’re confined to moving from our bed to the kitchen counter, from the kitchen counter to the kitchen table - or, if you are fortunate enough to have multiple rooms, from the kitchen counter to the study - and from the kitchen table / study to the couch.

And, instead of walking over to a colleague to ask something or bounce ideas off of each other, we now have to call each other. Often times this connection is established through Skype on our laptops, and unless you use a wireless headset, this essentially means that you are chained to your desk.

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Day 3 of working from home. My rhythm has changed already. I go to bed later and wake up later, i.e. right before the first meeting of the day.

During the day I’m distracted easily (“ah, let me just quickly do the laundry”, “I feel like a snack”) and am generally less productive.

My calendar is depressing. I’m used to having something planned 3 to 4 nights per work week, whether it’s dinner with a friend or working out at the gym. None of that anymore.

Thursday 19 March 2020

Thank god my gym has converted their lessons to the interwebz. Between not moving as much anymore, snacking more, and no sports classes, I have started to feel slightly gross.

I went on a lunch walk today for the first time and it really helped to clear my head and take a proper break from work.

Friday 20 March 2020

First full week of working from home completed. I feel that calling people up whenever you want has become the new norm. I had to actively swat away people and reject calls to get some work done. Only when I set my Skype status to Do not disturb and switched off Outlook, I was able to focus and make my deadline.

Sunday 22 March 2020

Another Sunday at the office, also needed for the project. It felt great to be with people again. The past week had been so busy with work, I never really felt alone or lonely. Then again, I made way more hours than I normally would. It seems as if the time we save by not having to commute has just turned into work hours. When I finally close my laptop I feel so drained I am relieved that I have nowhere to be in the evenings.


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