Welcome to Productivithee, my very own passion project about personal growth, productivity, and a small side-dish of working from home chronicles.
In the past couple of years I have done a lot of reading, soul-searching, and writing, to give shape to my personal growth journey. I invite you to join me on my journey and hope to inspire you to grow and live the best life you ever imagined.
About Productivithee
Whenever I ask someone how they are doing, I often get this answer: “I’m so busy.” People are busy, constantly in a rush to go to work, do the household, work out, spend time with their partner, friends or family, and recharge, all within the same 168 hours everyone has in a week and without burning out.
I’ve lived that life too, and while I get a major adrenaline kick from being in a rush, I did not enjoy it because I felt like life was living me, instead of the other way around.
I decided to change things and get back in the driver’s seat of my own life. I wanted to learn to set priorities, say no to things that are not priority, and do things with more intention. This doesn’t mean that I’m doing less or missing out on things, it rather means that the things I’m doing are meaningful to me.
I firmly believe that with the right tools, the right way of working, and the right mindset, everyone can be in full control over their life. Everyone can get the things done that they need to do and have time to spend on doing things that they love, without sacrificing sleep or other ways of recharging.
I want to lead by example and inspire you to live the best life you ever imagined.

About Audrey
Living in the Netherlands, working as a technology consultant and spending my free time with friends, family, books, and sports. :-)